ever had the feeling that u should've done the other thing rather the thing that you just did or STILL DOING? WELL get over it..u can't change the past, nor can u predict the future but what u can do is try ur best during the the time u so ungratefully have now..for those of you who are miserable enough to not have the time to watch 'kungfu panda' due to the ridiculous amount of time u spend regretting every step u took and every corner u turned..here's some word of advice from a wise/dead/funny/old kungfu master
"yesterday is history,
tomorrow's a mystery, but today is a gift,
that's why it is called the present" (^_^')
i just came home..went thru a 6hour drive from me beloved UKM to Penang Island..leaving behind not only the crazy monkeys that terrorize the students (no really..those monkeys are bonkers..harassing female students in campus..IN CAMPUS!!us humans don't do that..UKM has guards and everything..yet they are sneaky enough to go inside hostels and steal the students nourishment supplies..these monkey's aren't dumb..i can tell u that..if they were..they wouldn't be in a university..) and my beloved siblings at UPSM(urusetia pembangunan sumber manusia)..dorang ngah wat perkampungan skang...n i only had a chance to attend the 'taklimat' given by our one and only abg napi..abg roy did an excellent job to break da ice among our juniors..
and our dear que made his appearance replacing the absent abg lan..trying his best to make our beloved juniors crack a smile while still maintaing his personalia attitude..freaky..yet entertaining..should've recorded that but hey..regrets are for pussies..
it was really hard..or berat (heavy) for me to leave my beloved batch-21..a few days from now they'll be hiking up some mountain while i'm stuck at home posting my blogs..on the 2nd of Dis their off to Terengganu..Seberang Takir to be exact..i never went to one of UPSM's OPKIMs(operasi khidmat masyarakat) before..so i was really hoping to go this time...many stories were repeated to me as to how fun and exiting OPKIM was..making me smile with glee everytime i hear da word..seberang takir..but after a brief discussion with me dear ol' mum..a decision was made..and that decision landed me in penang...thus stranding me here for another month..but hey..no regrets coz i ain't a pussy..i just hope that thier all doing ok and are having a ball...Allah has His way of teaching us on how to become better Muslims..for He knows what is best for His servants...i know that i'm supposed to be here..looking after my lil' sisters while my parents are away for Hajj..for He is the best planner..He knows what will happen if we were to do any action..regardless of time and space..so have trust in Him and never ever listen to the whispers of the syaitan that will always lead us to hellfire..so this is the best for me..and no regrets there..
meskipun aku kurang mahir bahasa inggeris, aku rasa aku paham apa ko cube sampaikan.
may allah b with u.
mungkin ada hikmah di sebalik setiap apa yang berlaku kan?
ciannyer dyer..
part tym maid kat umah..
jaga adik leklok eh..
ape2 pon.. family muz cum 1st
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